First Holy Communion Online Invitation
Just like baptism, the first Holy Communion is a very important ritual for Catholics since it is the first time the child receives the sacrament of the Eucharist. The various elements of the ritual might vary depending on the form of Catholic denomination one belongs to. However, there are certain elements that stay the same.
If you want to invite your friends and relatives to your child’s first communion, then you can use since it has an amazing online invitation tool that lets you do more than just invitations.
Dress Code
It is a family function and you need to invite only your close friends and relatives. But if you want to make it a grand function, you can invite everyone. Since it is a big day for the child, boys can wear fancy white or blue suits while girls can wear white satin or lace dresses with white veil. Adults can wear formal suits or traditional attire depending on the location.
You can hold the ceremony in the church hall or outdoor lawn. You can also hold it in a banquet room, in a restaurant or even in your home provided you have sufficient space. The venue should be decorated with things such as streamers and balloons. Depending on your denomination, you can have one priest or multiple priests.
The food must be decided properly since people have different tastes and food requirements. You can include a meat dish in the main course such as leg of lamb or roast beef. You can even have a barbecue. You can prepare the food, have it catered or have pot-luck. It can be meals served or buffet. Whatever it is that you plan, make sure that your Yoovite invitation has it mentioned. Also get acknowledgement from guests for any allergies that they might be having.

You can think of games and crafts for children such as bobbing for apples, paper-sack puppet making or a scavenger hunt. If you are holding the party outdoors, you can try softball or cricket games. Musical chair is a very good option provided there are enough chairs to spare. You can also have people sing or dance if they want to.
Photos and Videos
Arrange a local studio to do the photo and video coverage of the events. Make sure that the photo and videographers do not block the view of the audience during the function. It is better if they can bring powerful cameras and focus on the event from a distance so that everyone can see.
First Communion Gifts are something that the children must cherish for a lifetime. It is unlike birthday presents since they come every year. You can offer jewelry, wall crosses, frames, pillows etc. For girls, you can give bracelets, necklaces etc. designed specifically for communion. You can give rosaries and prayer beads to both boys and girls. You can also give prayer books, crucifixes and angel statuettes.